by Chuck | Apr 24, 2011 | Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI), Fishing 101 - the "How To" Class
Q: People keep telling me I should give stuff away to get more customers in my store. But doesn’t that just draw people who want free stuff? A: It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that not everyone will buy from you? The majority of people don’t need...
by Chuck McKay | Jan 16, 2011 | Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI), Fresh Catch, Search Engine Optimization
Washington engraving from $1 bill. They called the procedure venesection – puncturing a vein to remove blood from the body. From the time of the ancient Greeks, physicians had prescribed bloodletting as treatment to “balance the body’s four humors.” It was...
by Chuck McKay | Jan 1, 2009 | Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI)
How in the world can they afford to keep advertising like they do? You’ve seen ’em. Those companies who offer to do battle with the IRS if you owe large income tax debt. The credit counseling companies. The medical discount programs. Those who will...
by Chuck McKay | Aug 23, 2008 | Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI)
Supply and demand tend to be somewhat elastic. Changing one causes a reciprocal effect on the other. When demand drops, supply increases, and all too often consumption decreases, too. In our terms, that means gross sales will head south as people determine they...
by Chuck McKay | Aug 21, 2008 | Advertising 101, Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI), Customer Focus, Retention, and Evangelism, Publicity and Public Relations (PR)
This is a photo of a Boeing 747-200. This aircraft requires 219,000 foot pounds of thrust to get airborne, but only 100,000 foot pounds to cruise at altitude. Think of your ads as the jet engines which power your company. As soon as you remove the thrust, you’ve...
by Chuck McKay | Jun 23, 2008 | Advertising / Marketing Strategy, Budgeting, Pricing, and Return on Advertising Investment (ROAI), Customer Education, Expectations, and Motivation, Customer Focus, Retention, and Evangelism
Are you in retail? Have your sales been affected by gas prices? I just eavesdropped on a conversation between the managers of two local stores.* They both noted that store traffic has decreased, and the telephone is ringing much more consistently, since the price of...